Edit the title to something you like ----------------------------------> Less of me,more of You

For The Moment
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Jesus spoke of freedom, but he spoke of a different kind of freedom: the type of freedom that comes not through power but through submission. Not through control but through surrender. Not through possessions but through open hands.
God wants to emancipate; he wants to set them free. He wants his people to be not slaves but sons and daughters. He wants them governed not by law but by love.
We have been liberated from our own guilt and our own legalism. We have the freedom to pray and the freedom to love the God of our heart. And we have been forgiven by the only one who could condemn us.
We are truly free!

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Monday, April 14, 2008

duty vs devotion

Don't have school today,cos of some sch event. :) haha.but even as i was reflecting this morning it just struck me.How we can just call a holiday in school and stop whatever we are doing.Are we doing it in our christian walk?Are we calling rest days on our faith?Is our walk conditional?Do we serve because we have nothing else to do?

Matthew28:1 'After the Sabbath,at dawn on the first day of the week,Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.'

Why did Mary and Mary Magdalene go to the tomb?What were they expecting to get?What could a dead man give?It wasn't duty that prompted the women to go up to the tomb.It was devotion.Naked devotion.They weren't there to receive.They were there to give.To give something back to Jesus.They weren't and they couldn't expect to receive anything.It was pure service to Jesus.

Friends today why are we doing the things we are doing?Are we doing it out of duty or out of devotion?Are we expecting to get anything out of our service to God?Praise?Credit?Or are we really serving because we want to?Are we serving because we know that the God we serve is faithful and true?Are we serving out of what we have?What prompts us to serve?Duty or devotion?

Mary and Mary Magdalene's devotion to Jesus didn't stop because Jesus was dead.It didn't stop just because the person they worshipped was now stuck in a tomb.It didn't stop just because the Jesus they knew was now seemingly weak and unable.No!The devotion they had towards Jesus went beyond death.Not even death could stop them from being devoted to Jesus.So they went up to the tomb,wanting to give something,anything,to their God.They knew a task had to be done-Jesus' body had to be prepared for burial.Peter didn't do it.Andrew didn't volunteer,so Mary and Mary Magdalene decided to do it.

What if halfway to the tomb they had sat down and to reconsider.What if they had looked at each other and shrugged,"What's the use?He's already dead." What if both of them had given up?What if one had thrown up her arms in frustration and bemoaned,"I'm tired of being the one to do it.Let someone else do it.Let Andrew do something for a change.Let Nathaniel show some leadership for once."

Whether or not they were tempted to the bible does not record for us.But I'm glad they didn't quit.That would have been tragic.Friends you see,we know something they didn't.God was watching.Mary and Mary Magdalene thought they were alone.They weren't.They thought their journey was unnoticed.They were wrong.The Father in heaven was watching.

Today I am addressing two kinds of people here.
The first is the ones who are serving th Lord in whatever ways.Friends what is our motive for serving today?For our own pride?To let someone take notice?Just to spend whatever free time we have?Now serving is good,but what friends we have to constantl check our hearts as to the motives for which we are serving!Are we really serving because we know we serve a God who is faithful and true?Are we serving because we want to honour God with whatever talents He has given us?Are we doing it for ourselves or for God alone?

The second type of people I want to address is those who are currently not serving.Are you the one who keeps saying "Let someone else do it.I'm not good enough anyway." Friends that is not true.God has given each and every one of us a talent which He wants us to use to honour Him.
Romans12:6-8 "We have different gifts,according to the grace given us.If a man's gift is prophesying,let him use it in proportion to his faith.If it is serving,let him serve;if it is teaching,let him teach;if it is encouraging,let him encourage;if it is contributing to the needs of others,let him give generously;if it is leadership,let him govern diligently;if it is showing mercy,let him do it cheerfully."
Friends I want to encourage you to serve the Lord,in whatever way you can,whether big or small,because God sees it and will definitely honour you for it.

The call of discipleship is not to serve out of convenience,but to serve whether in good or bad,in plenty or in want.Let us keep the example of Mary and Mary Magdalene close to our hearts.


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What makes me special...
Is the signature of God in my life

the boy..

born on 8th February 1992

A little bit about me...

5.composing songs(both christian and non-christian genres)
favourite movie:mission impossible 3
favourite book:the Word of God-the bible :)
favourite quote:Without God,I cannot.Without me,God will not.

Prayer Requests

for my friends and I to grow strongly in the Lord
to impact strongly the lives of people around me
to know what it means to be a testimony for God
radical,risk-taking faith
I like someone!